Yading Yuan
- Columbia University Irving Medical Center
- Herbert and Florence Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Physics) (in the Data Science Institute) at the Columbia University Medical Center
Yading Yuan, PhD. joined Columbia University Irving Medical Center as an Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology (Physics) in April 2023. He graduated with a PhD in medical physics from the University of Chicago in 2010 where he worked on developing machine learning algorithms for computer-aided breast cancer diagnosis with multi-modality medical imaging. After completing the clinical medical physics residency training from Harvard Medical Physics Residency Program in 2013, he joined the Mount Sinai Hospital as an Assistant Professor and clinical medical physicist in the Department of Radiation Oncology, where he was promoted to Associate Professor in 2020. His research lies in the interdisciplinary fields in computer engineering, physics and medical imaging, with primary focus on clinical and scientific innovation in radiation oncology and on translating recent technical advancements in data science and engineering into clinical practice to improve patient care. He has strong interest in research related to the follow aspects: 1) automated systems that learn clinical experts’ knowledge and skills in interpreting medical images for various clinical tasks such as tumor/organ contouring and knowledge-based treatment planning; 2) large-scale AI systems in cancer management; 3) data-driven medical image reconstruction algorithms and 4) panomics for personalized cancer treatment. He is a clinical medical physicist certified by American Board of Radiology and holds a New York State license for clinical therapeutic medical physics.