DSI members have access to the following computational resources:

To learn more about becoming a member, click here.

Ginsburg HPC

The Data Science Institute is a stakeholder in Columbia University’s High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster run by CUIT. This consists of several hundred GPU and CPU nodes. This power is available to any authorized cluster user. DSI members have special high-priority on 4 of them.

  • 2x high memory nodes (768 GB each)
  • 2x GPU nodes (2x Nvidia A100 gpus each)
  • 52TB scratch space

Ginsburg cluster documentation may be found HERE. Email dsi-ops@columbia.edu to be authorized for HPC access under the DSI umbrella, at no extra cost.

Questions and Support

Requests should be forwarded to dsi-ops@columbia.edu with a brief subject line containing the nature of the request.

CUIT Resources

Software available to the Columbia University community, for free or at Columbia’s negotiated rate may be found HERE.