About the Research Center

We are dedicated to developing the capacity for keeping data secure and private throughout its lifetime.

The center brings together and builds upon the research of the departments of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and the work of the Columbia Business School, among others. By way of example, Columbia start-ups such as CellRox have launched based on technology related to digital security.

Affiliated Labs
Software Systems Lab
Computer Architecture and Security Technology Lab
Cryptography Lab

Major Equipment and Resources
Simcity Cloud: 48 x (8-core processors, 24 GB RAM) + 30 TB, Fibre Channel
Simlab Cluster: 8 x (8-core processors, 24 GB RAM, 1 TB RAID)
CLIClab Cluster: 36 x (8-core processors, 24 GB RAM, 1 TB RAID)

Synopsys toolchain, architecture simulators, etc.

AT&T Labs Research
New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
National Science Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation