
Anish Agarwal

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Assistant Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Shipra Agrawal

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Cyrus Derman Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

James Anderson

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Alexandr Andoni

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Computer Science

Elham Azizi

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering
  • Irving Institute for Cancer Dynamics
    Florence Irving Assistant Professor of Cancer Data Research

Elias Bareinboim

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Computer Science

Katayun Barmak

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Philips Electronics Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics

Omar Besbes

  • Columbia Business School
    Vikram S. Pandit Professor of Business

Simon Billinge

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Professor of Materials Science and Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics

Daniel Björkegren

  • School of International and Public Affairs
    Assistant Professor

David Blei

  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
    Professor of Statistics
  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Professor of Computer Science

Michael P. Burke

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Agostino Capponi

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Augustin Chaintreau

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Computer Science

Shih-Fu Chang

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Morris A. and Alma Schapiro Professor

Asaf Cidon

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering

Ivan Corwin

  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
    Professor of Mathematics

Rachel Cummings

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

John P. Cunningham

  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
    Professor of Statistics

Tal Danino

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Richard A. Davis

  • Faculty of Arts and Sciences
    Howard Levene Professor of Statistics

Ton Dieker

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Eleni Drinea

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Senior Lecturer in the Discipline of Computer Science and in the Discipline of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research

Qiang Du

  • The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
    Fu Foundation Professor of Applied Mathematics