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Find Us
Data Science Institute staff, researchers, and founding faculty are spread across Columbia University’s Morningside campus in the Northwest Corner Building, The Seeley W. Mudd Building, and The Interchurch Center.
For directions and maps, please refer to the Columbia University Visitors Center.
The Northwest Corner Building (NWC)

DSI’s main administrative offices are located in Suite 1401 on the 14th Floor of NWC via the service elevator accessible on the 1st Floor/street level (to the right of stairs) and 4th Floor/campus level (to the right of the lab elevator entrance).
NWC is at the northern end of the Morningside Campus located on the southeast corner of Broadway and 120th Street.
Mailing Address:
Columbia University
Attn: Personal Name
Data Science Institute, MC 4720
550 West 120th Street, Room 1401
New York, NY 10027
The Seeley W. Mudd Building (MUDD)
DSI’s main student and faculty space is located in Suite 417 on the 4th Floor/campus level of MUDD (immediately to the left of the elevator bank and to the right of Blue Java Café).
MUDD is at the northern end of Morningside Heights located on 120th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue.
Mailing Address:
Columbia University
Attn: Personal Name
Data Science Institute, MC 4720
500 West 120th Street, Room 417
New York, NY 10027

The Interchurch Center (TIC)

DSI’s researchers and administrative staff space is located in Suite 320 on the 3rd Floor of TIC*.
TIC is at the northeastern end of the Morningside Campus located off of 120th Street and Claremont Avenue.
* Note: TIC is a privately-owned building and visitors must be registered in advance of visiting DSI researchers and staff.