Dear DSI community:

These are extremely difficult times and I am absolutely shocked and saddened by recent events. It is even more disconcerting that the acts of brutality, racism, and discrimination we’re witnessing are just the tip of the iceberg. Our eyes are opening to truths Black Americans have known for generations.

Let me be clear. We stand against anti-Black racism. Black lives matter at the Data Science Institute. But we have not done enough. We must do more. DSI’s leaders are already discussing purposeful and impactful ways to secure sustainable change for our unique community. I will share our plan before the beginning of the Fall 2020 term and we will execute the plan with the same rigor as any of our other research, education, and outreach endeavors.

We are all overwhelmed by a global pandemic, difficult conversations, and an array of emotions, but this is our moment to get involved. Feel free to contact me directly with any suggestions as we work on our plan.

Jeannette M. Wing

Avanessians Director of the Data Science Institute

Professor of Computer Science