Climate Week NYC is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together hundreds of events and activities across New York City. Each year, business leaders, political change makers, local decision takers and civil society representatives of all ages and backgrounds around the world join for this event. Together, they gather to drive the transition, speed up progress, and champion change that is already happening.

Researchers at the Data Science Institute are prioritizing climate and environmental science, and are working on innovative solutions to leverage the power of data science to mitigate climate change. To commemorate Climate Week (September 17-24, 2023), we’ve culled together a list of recent research and programs from across the DSI community that focus on climate. 

Recent News Stories

Recent Event Recordings

In addition to research, the DSI has convened leading experts in data science for events and activities. Below are a few recordings of recent events hosted by the DSI community that are related to climate science. 

Climate Week NYC is hosted by Climate Group, an international non-profit whose purpose is to drive climate action, fast. Learn more about Climate Week here