Andreas Maggiori
- Data Science Institute
- Postdoctoral Research Scientist
Dr. Andreas Maggiori is a Postdoctoral Research Scientist in the Data Science Institute working with Professor Will Ma and Professor Eric Balkanski. His research interests lie in the intersection of Online Decision Making, Machine Learning and Theoretical Computer Science with a particular focus on learning augmented algorithms.
Prior to joining Columbia University in October 2023, Dr. Maggiori earned a PhD at EPFL, advised by Rudiger Urbanke and Ola Svensson. While pursuing his PhD, he visited the Simons Institute, UC Berkeley for two months for the Data-Driven Decision Processes program. He also interned twice at Google Zurich, hosted by Nikos Parotsidis and Ehsan Kazemi accordingly. Dr. Maggiori completed his bachelor’s degree in Greece in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department of National Technical University of Athens.