DSI Researcher Susan McGregor Discusses CNN's Suspension of Chris Cuomo with NBC News
December 7, 2021
CNN suspended anchor Chris Cuomo after newly released transcripts and text messages revealed that he lied about his role in defending his brother, former New York governor Andrew Cuomo, against sexual misconduct allegations.
Documents released by New York Attorney General Letitia James showed that Chris had been more involved in counseling Andrew than had been disclosed. The documents revealed that Chris passed along and discussed passing along potentially negative information about women who had accused Andrew of inappropriate behavior, and that he tapped news sources to track the status of work by journalists on articles about his brother.
Data Science Institute associate research scholar Susan McGregor connected with NBC News’ Anne Thompson to discuss CNN’s obligation its viewers.
“Chris Cuomo has been clear that, you know, it’s family first, journalism second. I do think that CNN needs to take a stand, and I think they need to be very clear with both Cuomo and their audiences and with their employees about with is considered acceptable professional behavior.”